
100m Sprint Training Drills

There are many drills that can be used to improve your 100m sprinting performance. Here are a few examples of 100m sprinter workouts:

High knees

This drill helps to improve your leg turnover rate and build strength in your hip flexors. To do this drill, run on the spot and lift your knees as high as possible, bringing them towards your chest.

Butt kicks

This drill targets your hamstrings and helps to improve your stride length. To do this drill, run on the spot and try to touch your heels to your butt with each step.


This drill helps to improve your ankle strength and range of motion. To do this drill, run on the spot and lift your heels off the ground, trying to land on the balls of your feet.


This is a lateral movement drill that helps to improve your agility and coordination. To do this drill, take a large step to the right with your right foot, then bring your left foot behind your right foot. Then, take a large step to the left with your left foot, bringing your right foot behind your left foot. Continue moving laterally, crossing one foot behind the other with each step.

Sprint starts

This drill helps to improve your acceleration and reaction time. To do this drill, start in a crouched position with your hands on the ground. On a signal, explode out of the start position and sprint for a short distance.

Remember to warm up properly before doing any of these drills and to listen to your body. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop the drill and rest.

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